Spelling Competition 2020

Spelling Competition can promote how we learned and how we think.

A spelling competition is also called a ‘spelling bee’, a term popular in North America. The game is designed for children, so the level of difficulty will vary and children need to remember how to spell and recite all kinds of different words.

English is an important international language. In addition, the ability to recognize words is the foundation of the English learning. Lion & Lion Language Institute holds competitions every year. These competitions also allow children to take the initiative to memorize vocabulary, improve their comprehension and develop their study skills.

We encourage students to increase vocabulary, establish and improve their English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, and improve their English test scores. The benefits of spelling bees and storytelling competitions extend beyond language: Since children are required to spell words while on stage, kids also develop self-confidence, improve their communication and public speaking skills, and their ability thrives under pressure. Because of this, the lessons they learn through participating in a spelling bee can last a lifetime, and can benefit all competitors regardless of whether they win or lose.