
"When I chose to enroll Jessie in “A” elementary school, the after-school English classes held by Lion and Lion English played an important part in that decision. Learning a language requires nothing more than a suitable environment, an enthusiasm for learning, and lots of guts. I believe that Lion and Lion English is doing a very good job in “creating a suitable environment for learning English. After Jessie joined the after-school English class, I noticed that the biggest changes in her is her “mindset towards learning” and “guts”. In addition to the basic Phonics taught by the foreign teachers, Lion and Lion English also organize many fun activities and competitions. These activities gave Jessie a chance to experience a Western style education, and helped her to slowly start thinking in English. Additionally, Jessie has also started to slowly integrate English into her everyday conversations. There are also times when her test and assessment results are not as expected, but she has the proper mindset to constantly improve. I greatly appreciate the teachers for teaching and guiding Jessie. At Lion and Lion, English is a language to be understood and learned, not simply just a subject to be memorized. I would like to thank English Class Director Pamela and her team for creating an interactive and lively English learning environment in school. In observing the after-school English classes, I was able to see with my own eyes what “happy learning” is. What Jessie learned in the after-school classes isn’t only English and culture, but also a positive learning attitude that will serve as a solid foundation for higher education."
Carol Hsu
"My daughter, Sarah, has been attending English with Lion and Lion English since kindergarten. At that time, English lessons consisted primarily of English songs for children, simple conversations, fun games, and other simple activities for kids. The purpose of this was to give the kids a solid foundation and to make learning more fun, and enjoyable. After Sarah has completed kindergarten and moved to elementary, she continued taking up classes with Lion and Lion English’s after-class English courses, and began to study the correct pronunciation of English words (PHONICS 1). Every week, these classes were held three times a week with each class lasting 90 minutes each. These English classes are supervised by two foreign teachers, and these teachers take turns in teaching the kids. I really like this arrangement, because this will help the kids easily pick up the different pronunciations of different people. Sarah by nature is a very introverted girl. In the first semester of her attending school, I noticed that she very rarely proactively initiated conversations or actively participated in class. Fortunately, the teachers were very observant and noticed Sarah’s disposition. They also proactively encouraged her to participate and patiently guided her in class. After one semester, she has already familiarized herself with all the 26 letters of the alphabet, and mastered the various pronunciation rules of long and short vowels. For this semester, Sarah has enrolled with Lion and Lion English to continue studying English. They have started to study PHONICS 2. PHONICS 2 builds up on PHONICS 1 by increasing the amount of reading materials to improve their pronunciation skills, adding more words to build up their vocabulary, and introducing unique rules in pronunciation for specific words. Even though the class’ level of difficulty has increased, Sarah has not only started becoming a lot more confident, but she has become more interested in learning English. I would like to sincerely thank the earnest and hardworking teaching staff of Lion and Lion English. Their excellent choice of class’ materials to cover and the lively teaching method they employ has greatly improved and developed Sarah’s English ability and her confidence. Especially, I would like to thank Pam and Mingfa for their devotion and hard work in ensuring that the children will have an excellent opportunity to have a head start in their English education."
Molly Yang
"At the start of the first grade of elementary school, my child has already been studying English with Lion and Lion English. (formerly Bai Yun Elementary School – Lion and Lion) The teachers at the start of the course taught the children the correct pronunciation of simple English words. The goal of this is to establish a strong and solid foundation for the kids to achieve fluency in the English language. (I recall that there was even a time that my child corrected me in my pronunciation of an English word… haha) By giving the kids a strong foundation to work on, it makes it easier for them to learn new words, create more complex sentences, and create interesting conversations. A step by step transition from shallow to deep. Originally, my son is an introverted child. As I did not have the opportunity to ask or test him myself, it was difficult to determine how much he learned or how he behaved in class. After several weeks of attending class, I was just surprised when one day when my son just suddenly started answering everyday conversations in English. As I was able to experience learning English as an exchange student, I myself recognize that having a suitable “environment” for learning English is important. Lion and Lion English, led by teacher Pamela, employed several professional foreign teachers, creating a small international village for the children. In addition to having a suitable English learning environment, they encourage the children to speak and write only in English, and the various teachers they employ also allow the students to be familiar to the pronunciation of people from other English-speaking nations. (Not only American people speak English) (e.g. British people) Aside from English classes, Lion and Lion English has also started offering Spanish classes too! As a mother, Lion and Lion English teaching style is not only unique and special, but it also respects the individual development of each child. In addition to the regular curriculum, they also plan and organize many activities like games, sports, singing, cooking, DIY, and competitions. I think that integrating learning with fun and games will reduce the resistance of students to learning, make it easy for them to learn, and reduce their stress. (When I was a student, learning English was very stressful.) Imagine! My son gets to master chess and UNO while learning English."
Skyes' Mom
"It is in my opinion what most parents regret not to be able to learn enough when we were at school. This is particularly true for the English language. After we graduated and entered society, we are faced with the reality that understanding and knowing how to speak English is very important. This realization shaped the standards that we set for Anita’s elementary school education. As parents, we don’t wish to put too much pressure on her by setting the bar too high, and as long as her grades aren’t too bad that is fine with us. However, an exception to this would be for English to which we pay special attention. One of our greatest fears as parents is that Anita would grow to reject English, because of the pressure that we placed on her to excel in that subject. Fortunately, Anita quickly adapted to the teaching method that the place we enrolled her in for English classes utilized. Lion and Lion, the place where we enrolled Anita for her English classes, utilized an English technique that is more relaxed than what other English tutoring places utilized. We were worried that such a relaxed teaching method would greatly diminish the quality of education that Anita will receive, but until now both Lion and Lion and Anita has continuously met and sometimes exceeded our expectations. Generally speaking, children who can learn by themselves are really rare. Of course, Anita is not an exception to this rule. In addition to attending both regular classes at school and extra classes at Lion and Lion, I borrowed a lot of Chinese and English picture books from the library to increase her exposure to the English language. It is even better if the book came with an audio CD. In addition to reading at home, we can also make Anita “listen” to English on the way. Although Anita can’t understand most of the words, listening to the audio would allow her to get used to the pronunciation and rhythm of the English language. By stimulating Anita’s interest through fascinating content from the picture books, we are encouraging her to learn English by understanding the new vocabulary appearing in the story. After Anita reached third grade, we expanded the materials to children’s story books, bibliographies of famous people, and world famous books. We hope the materials that Anita learned at school, and the progress that she has made at Lion and Lion would increase her understanding of the English language. Another regret of most parents is the inability to speak English properly. It is for this particular reason that we greatly encourage Anita to participate in the regularly held English-related competitions by school and Lion and Lion. These competitions will immensely help in the development of children’s self-confidence, and the encouragement of the parents is always helpful in increasing their courage in participating in these types of competitions. In addition, the Cambridge English testing review is one of the activities where we actively encourage our children to participate. Lion and Lion organizes a review class on a weekly basis to ensure that the students are prepared for the test. Before the day of the test, Lion and Lion would also hold a mock test to check how prepared the students are. In the test, the errors are marked and reviewed so that the students can understand and answer correctly during the formal test. We usually use a translation software to better understand the word, and then we will share what we understood with Anita and discuss about it. In addition to strengthening Anita’s understanding, it also helps improves the English ability of us parents. Children who can learn on their own are very rare that is why I think helping and guiding them is really crucial. It will help make them slowly develop a habit of studying, and once that habit has been developed, learning English will become a much smoother process. I think everyone will like this, because every parent’s goal is to let their children accumulate skills and abilities that will allow them to overcome every challenge that they will face in the future."
Anita's parents